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Google Algorithm Changes and Updates

Any Google algorithm changes can either hurt or help you, depending on how carefully you pay attention to the changes. Even if you are determined to keep up with Google algorithm changes, it can be difficult to do so without the right connections and resources. 

In this article, we are going to talk about all things Google algorithm changes and how it impacts you. More specifically, we are going to look at why Google updates its algorithm, why you need to keep up with these algorithm changes, and how to keep up with them. 

Let’s get started.  

Why Does Google Update Its Algorithm? 

Google’s number one goal is to satisfy the user’s intent. With this in mind, Google updates its algorithm in order to improve search results for Google users. Although algorithm updates may be annoying for website owners and certain professionals, their intent is to help the user, first and foremost. 

More specifically, the algorithm is meant to promote sites that have expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. As a result, the algorithm will be made in such a way to better find and promote these sorts of sites. 

Why You Should Keep Up With Google Algorithm Changes 

It is really important to keep up with Google algorithm changes if your profession includes optimizing websites, optimizing content for search engines, or running websites that depend on optimization. Since algorithm changes can impact tactics and SEO strategy, it’s imperative to track any changes. 

For example, failing to notice an algorithm change can hurt your visibility, search ranking, organic search traffic, return on investment, conversion, revenues, and more. 

Although it’s easy to think that algorithm changes are Google’s way of punishing you, the changes can actually help you in all of those ways if you pay attention. In other words, tracking changes and utilizing said changes can help improve your visibility, search ranking, organic search traffic, return on investment, conversion, revenues, and more. 

Long story short, you should keep up with Google algorithm changes to ensure that the content you put out is set up in a way to maximize the algorithm changes, leading to a more successful and lucrative website. 

How To Keep Up With Google Algorithm Changes 

Tracking Google algorithm changes is incredibly difficult. Any bigger algorithm updates, such as core updates, will often be announced or confirmed via Twitter. However, Google sometimes updates their algorithm as much as twice a day, meaning that they don’t announce all of their updates in this way. Here are some key tactics for keeping up with any Google algorithm changes: 

  • Follow the Twitter Account @searchliason

Even though Google does not update all of its algorithm changes, this Twitter account has been becoming more reliable for sharing different content that is related to upcoming changes to the algorithm. This content can help you stay ahead of the game so that the algorithm change does not hurt your search rankings. 

  • Watch Traffic and Search Ranking 

Using a browser’s private mode, search keywords that are most valuable or relevant to your site. Pay attention to the web traffic and search rankings. If there are any algorithm changes or differences, the search rankings will change as a result. 

  • Use SEMRush 

SEMRush includes a feature that allows you to view keyword rankings, almost as if you were searching from an entirely different location. This is an incredibly useful tool if you are looking for users far away from you. You can find this feature under Position Track Settings. 

  • Use MozCast 

MozCast is a really unique tool that allows you to see the “temperature” of Google’s algorithm. The weather report style rating tells you exactly how turbulent the algorithm has been every day for the past month. Stormier days show that Google’s rankings are more in flux than usual. 

  • Use Panguin Tool 

Panguin Tool is a free SEO tool that can help you find out if a Google algorithm change has impacted organic sessions. A variety of filters are used on top of Google analytic data, making this tool incredibly easy to use. 

Key Take-Aways 

Google algorithm changes can make or break your website. It’s important to track these changes so as to improve your rankings and website as a whole. Although tracking it can be difficult, you can follow them on Twitter, watch search rankings, or use different tools to make the process a little bit easier. 

If you need help enhancing your SEO strategy amidst Google’s turbulent algorithm changes, contact Virtual Surge today.