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Get More Engagement By Building Linkable Assets

According to E-Consultancy, 74% of marketers believe that targeted content boosts customer engagement. The question is: How does one achieve this? 

One of the best ways to get more engagement with your site’s content is to build linkable assets. They are a great way to advertise your business as well as spread important information about your industry or market. 

Before we continue about how these linkable assets work, we should look into what linkable assets are.

What are Linkable Assets?

Linkable assets are high-quality content that attracts a lot of backlinks. They usually include interesting high-value elements like videos, infographics, audio, animation, surveys, comments, etc. Therefore, readers will most likely share them on social media, and other sites will link back or refer to them. 

Backlinks are like “votes” coming from other sites. When a site has a lot of backlinks, search engines like Google would consider the site useful and credible. Using linkable assets to gain more backlinks to your site is a good strategy that gives a huge payoff. 

Here are a few considerations when you build linkable assets:

Focus on your content

Start by assessing the content you are going to add to your website. If the content is expendable, it won’t do you any good in the long run. About 70% of marketers tend to invest in content marketing because it is effective in increasing site authority and increasing traffic. So, your content strategy has to be geared towards these goals as well.

If you are not sure what kind of content works best for your site, then you should focus on information-based blogs as they are the most popular.

Assets with Visual Content

Building linkable content should not only logical elements but also multimedia elements as well. You may have noticed that share-worthy content has either interesting videos or graphics on it.  

People are naturally drawn to graphics and videos because they break the monotony of long descriptions. Sometimes, they also have entertainment value and readers love to share them on social media. Therefore, content with visual elements will generally attract backlinks to it. 

Feature Apps and Tools

People love to read content about how-to videos, especially for complicated and complex topics. Therefore, creating linkable assets that feature tools and apps that can simplify things are definitely a hit to site visitors. 

You can find at least one app or tool on the internet that resonates with your business. For example, you can feature Adobe Shortcut Mapper to help graphic designers increase their productivity or ProBlogger Jobs Board to find professional writers. Tools and sites like these will help you produce quality content and thus, better linkable assets.

And the best thing about this method is that it is pretty much limitless

Influencers Are Your Friends

Nowadays, influencers are no longer just celebrities; ordinary people can now have a great influence on others thanks to their numerous followers or fans on social media. People love reading about them and keeping themselves updated with their lives. Featuring the content on these influencers is the easiest way of ensuring that you get more backlinks.

All you need to do is gather some info and create content on these influencers. You can also link the created content to future topics to build a better asset. 

There are two approaches that you can follow in this case:

  1. You can write the entire content about the influencer.
  2. Quote them whenever it fits in your content.

Trusted Sources and Researches

You should try and feature content that has trusted sources since most people who will visit your site are usually seeking new information on certain topics. According to Pew Research, 81% of US citizens go online for information daily. It means that having reliable information can help your site get better traffic and response from users in general.


Getting backlinks will be much easier if you build linkable assets on your site. There are plenty of ways that you can build linkable assets; it primarily depends on the kind of industry you belong to and the amount of work you are willing to put in. Follow our tips above and you are on your way to creating link-worthy content assets. 

Need more help in getting more backlinks for your site? Contact Virtual Surge and we will help you with your backlink needs.