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Exploring thе Digital Landscapе of Baltimorе: Thе Risе of SEO

Exploring thе Digital Landscapе of Baltimorе: Thе Risе of SEO

Baltimorе, a city stееpеd in history and culturе, is rapidly еvolving into a digital powеrhousе as businеssеs in Charm City transition to thе onlinе rеalm, thе significancе of sеarch еnginе optimization (SEO) bеcomеs incrеasingly еvidеnt. But what does Baltimorе SEO еntail, and why is it becoming a pivotal aspect of the city’s digital transformation? Lеt’s divе in.

Baltimorе’s Digital Evolution

Ovеr thе past dеcadе, Baltimorе has witnеssеd a surgе in digital еntеrprisеs. From tеch startups to traditional businеssеs еstablishing an onlinе footprint, the digital landscapе of Baltimorе is vibrant and divеrsе. Amidst this digital boom, thе rolе of SEO еmеrgеs as a gamе-changеr.

Why SEO is Crucial for Baltimorе Businеssеs

1. *Building Onlinе Visibility:* In thе vast digital ocеan, SEO acts as a bеacon, guiding potеntial customеrs to your Baltimorе-basеd businеss. It’s not just about global rеach but connеcting with local audiеncеs who arе activеly sееking your sеrvicеs.

2. Sustainablе Growth: Whilе paid advеrtising offеrs quick rеsults, SEO еnsurеs long-tеrm growth. A wеll-optimizеd wеbsitе can maintain high sеarch еnginе rankings, еnsuring consistеnt traffic and convеrsions.

3. Trust and Crеdibility: A high-ranking wеbsitе is oftеn pеrcеivеd as morе crеdiblе and authoritativе. Baltimorе businеssеs can lеvеragе SEO to еstablish trust among thеir targеt audiеncе.

Thе Subtlеtiеs of Baltimorе SEO

Whilе SEO is a univеrsal concеpt, Baltimorе SEO has its nuancеs. It’s about undеrstanding thе local audiеncе, rеcognizing Baltimorе’s uniquе digital trеnds, and tailoring stratеgiеs accordingly.

1. Local SEO: This focusеs on optimizing your wеbsitе for local sеarchеs. It involvеs claiming and optimizing your Googlе My Businеss listing, gathеring positivе rеviеws, and еnsuring consistеnt namе, addrеss, and phonе numbеr (NAP) information across all platforms.

2. Contеnt that Rеsonatеs: Baltimorе is a city with a rich cultural hеritagе. Contеnt that rеsonatеs with thе local audiеncе, rеfеrеncing local еvеnts, landmarks, or trеnds, can еnhancе еngagеmеnt and boost SEO.

3. Mobilе Optimization: With a significant portion of onlinе sеarchеs originating from mobilе dеvicеs, еnsuring that your wеbsitе is mobilе-friеndly is crucial. A rеsponsivе dеsign, fast loading timеs, and еasy navigation can еnhancе usеr еxpеriеncе and SEO.

Challеngеs in thе Baltimorе SEO Landscapе

Likе any othеr stratеgy, Baltimorе SEO comеs with its sеt of challеngеs:

1. Stiff Compеtition: With numеrous businеssеs vying for thе top spot in sеarch еnginе rеsults, thе compеtition is fiеrcе. It’s еssеntial to stay updated with thе latеst SEO trеnds and continuously optimizе your stratеgiеs.

2. Changing Algorithms: Sеarch еnginеs frеquеntly updatе thеir algorithms. Businеssеs nееd to bе agilе, adapting thеir SEO stratеgiеs to thеsе changеs to maintain high rankings.

3. Thе Balancе of Kеywords:* Whilе it’s еssеntial to incorporatе kеywords likе “Baltimorе SEO” into your contеnt, it’s еqually crucial to maintain a natural flow. Ovеrstuffing can lеad to pеnaltiеs.

In Conclusion

Baltimorе’s digital landscapе is dynamic and еvеr-еvolving. As businеssеs strivе to makе thеir mark onlinе, Baltimorе SEO еmеrgеs as thе linchpin of digital succеss. By understanding its significancе, nuancеs, and challеngеs, businеssеs can harnеss thе powеr of SEO to achiеvе unparallеlеd growth in Charm City’s digital rеalm.

This article was originally posted at Virtual Surge.

4 Common Social Media Marketing Misconceptions

The Truth About Social Media Marketing

social media mythsYou see it every day – log onto social media and businesses or entrepreneurs are utilizing the platform to market their brand. It’s one of the most brilliant marketing tools of a lifetime when done correctly. However, there are a few misconceptions about social media marketing and what it does for a brand.

  1. Every Social Media Marketing Company is the Same

BIG MYTH! Social media marketing is not the new kid on the block, but many social media managers are very new to the industry. The digital marketing platform is global and consistently rotating with new strategies, new presentation methods and of course, new talent. The ability to market effectively on social media is not an across-the-board talent. There is a lot to be learned and understood. Only knowledgeable and experienced SM marketing companies are successful in the industry and always bring something different and promising to the brands they promote.

  1. Social Media Marketing Firms Work Solely with Social Media

Many seasoned expert social media marketing firms are expanding their services to include inbound marketing. There is a significant need to show a positive ROI from the efforts put forth via social media. There must be continuous monitoring of traffic as it travels from the social platform to the website of the business. This is the best way to capitalize on conversions.

  1. Social Media Marketing Firms Instantly Increase Traffic

There is a great deal of work to be done when marketing via social media. It is one thing to run an effective social media campaign but what happens once they visit the website. To begin, there must be a genuine presentation on social media that encourages the target audience to take action. There is no magic potion that persuades viewers to click the link that connects them to a site. Social media marketing must be genuine in their approach and offer information that is a true representation of the brand or product. Too many marketing campaigns fail to do this, and the result is bad word-of-mouth from potential long-term customers.

  1. All Social Media Marketing Campaigns are Bogus

This is a misconception that has gained wings and taken flight in very little time. Social media is a global breeding ground for erroneous and forged brands. The number of these sites is increasing by the minute, which makes it more difficult for social media marketing firms to present themselves credible. Expert marketing managers will know the best strategies and techniques to apply to their campaigns. It is important to prove that brands and their promotions are credible in every sense of the word. While not all social media marketing campaigns are bogus, you may find some that are.

Social media platforms are global billboards that keep people connected to friends, family, and brands. It is the meeting place that promotes quality relationships of both a personal and business nature. When utilizing social media to promote your brand or business, acquire the expert knowledge of a skilled social media marketing firm or manager to experience genuine relationships with your target audience.

Originally posted on Virtual Surge 1/3/18
Photo Credit: Copyright: rawpixel / 123RF Stock Photo

Law Firm SEO

Law Firm SEO

Law Firms are Rising Above their Competition, are You?
Attorneys and legal firms around the world receive constant inquiries regarding their services and fees. However, is your office in the right location? This doesn’t apply to your physical location, but your internet location. Are you at the top of the browser bar when clients are in need of quality legal representation?

Ranking Above the Competition


You are associated with an industry that has experienced phenomenal growth over recent years because let’s face it, almost everything requires legal counsel these days. The increase in demand is definitely noticeable and many firms are wondering what they can do to rise above their competition in the industry.


The answer to this question is not an ideal one and is likely to be found in the last place you considered as an attorney. It is important to consider that most people immediately turn to the internet when they are in need of legal counsel or representation. Now the bigger question is, are you there? Not only are you there, but do you or your firm stand out, because potential clients are searching and it’s important that your company name is being returned at the top of their search?


The SEO Key that Opens Doors and Increases Clientele


law firm seoJust as you can’t afford to lose clients, you can’t afford to ignore the effective use of SEO practices in your business. Now, just as you stop to Google exactly what SEO is and why you should have it, understand that your potential clients do the exact same thing (Google it) when seeking legal counsel. Google and its amazing returns are the foundation of success for businesses located around the world. People trust the internet to provide them with information they seek daily and when searching for an attorney, if you’re not ranked among the top ten, you’re simply not ranked.


Internet searchers generally contact the first five to ten businesses that appear at the top of their internet search. People simply have more trust in those companies that populate first and many have found the services they need within the first few phone calls. Unfortunately, potential clients don’t just click enter and your firm magically appears but there is an SEO key that can change your Google search location for the best.

The Facts

Lawyers value facts because they are what matters most and in this case, facts are extremely important. Search Engine Optimization has the ability to convert your website into a virtual powerhouse that produces millions of dollars in increased annual revenue, as well as increase the number of inquiries received on a daily basis. The only thing you must do is rank high but of course, you have no clue how that’s done. You are an expert in the legal industry and there are experts in the SEO industry that can help you accomplish quality rankings on the internet.


Before you make the call to acquire SEO services, remember a few important facts:

All legal SEO experts aren’t professionals. Inquire about monthly tracking efforts and if they service competitors.
  • Inquire about their process and packages. Make certain that the team consists of experts that have delivered quality results at a quality rate.
  • Google is an ethical powerhouse that will not tolerate tainted tactics. A reputable SEO firm will understand the rules and guidelines outlined by Google and will acknowledge these rules. Doing otherwise could lead to penalties for your firm.
  • The legal industry has the most competitive market online and your firm can be extremely successful if it returns at the top of the search results.

There is a great deal of information to comprehend and understand about SEO. The great news is that you don’t have to know it all. Simply collaborate with an agency or firm that is skilled and has extensive experience in the field and you will begin to see a positive increase in clients and revenue.


If you need help with marketing for your law firm, Virtual Surge, your legal SEO expert, is here to help. Whether you reside in Baltimore or anywhere else in the nation, reach out today to find out about the immediate steps that you can take today to boost your website traffic, improve your SEO, rev up your offline marketing, and ultimately grow your law firm.


Unveiling the Biggest SEO Trends of 2017

SEO Marketing Plan for 2017

seo trends 2017The perception of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) varies among businesses, but one constant remains favorable. It is necessary to utilize effective SEO to stay ahead of the competition.

Just as changes in technology seem to occur at lightning speed, SEO does also. The only way to dominate the SEO challenge is to remain aware of these changes, and implement them in your business. There is more to the process than strategically placing a few keywords throughout website or general content. The new year has just arrived and changes in the industry have already taken place. There are a few trends to keep you in sync with the changes of SEO in 2017.

Super Charge Your Content

Let’s face it! There is a ton of information out there for readers to absorb. It’s important to realize that readers will not waste time reading crappy content. Eliminate the fluff that will cause people to move on to the next article, which happened to be written by the competition. Provide informative content that engages readers and remember to keep it simple. At one time, it was considered best to use long pieces of content, but that is not always necessary. Utilize the smallest amount of space to present the most engaging type of info.

Enhanced User Experience

This is one of the trends that finds its way into each year in one way or another. It is imperative that users have a pleasant experience while visiting websites. Web pages that are adequately equipped to properly handle mobile devices and usually load without lagging or interruption, are primarily favored by Google. Expect an increase of attention to be directed towards the quality of user experience. Web pages that are designed to interact efficiently with mobile devices are among those that Google will favor for providing a quality experience to its users. Web pages that attract the attention of visitors is a great start, but it is important to present quality material to engage them once they log into the page. Extended visit times is another characteristic that Google favors.

Accelerated Mobile Pages

There are a large percentage of web browsers that log into a site from their mobile devices. The worst-case scenario presents itself at the point of log in when the page fails to load or loads slowly. Many times, this occurs because the point of access is a mobile device and the page being visited is not equipped for mobile visitors. This will result in a loss of business for some businesses because the redirected visitor will choose to visit the site of a competitor. Make certain your business page is designed to offer an enhanced experience for those utilizing mobile devices. Google makes known its appreciation for those sites that make mobile access an easy experience. It makes them visible in a carousel, which includes the image of a bolt of lightning to indicate that the site is mobile accessible. Many brands have upgraded their website to accommodate mobile users to enhance their visibility and improve their productivity.

Voice Search

Voice search is by far the new kid on the block, but usage of the feature has increased over the past couple years. This is especially true with teens and older generations. It is a convenient feature that saves time and expedites return of results. More than 50% of teenagers and adults say they find the feature convenient and use it whenever possible. Websites should be optimized for voice search to ensure that there is a clear understanding of the terminology being spoken by users. Aim to optimize the site to accommodate those utilizing voice search as part of a strategy to dominate SEO this year.

Brand Building

Businesses must give attention to the continued development and building of their brand in 2017. Effective branding efforts increase the odds of consumers browsing for your brand specifically. Make certain the brand is visible and highly recognized because of its design and development. Keyword ranking is beneficial but it is not enough. Search engines have improved dramatically at recognizing artificial linking and calculated SEO strategies, including keywords. Execute strategies that diversifies the brand’s online presence.

Social Media Marketing

Simply put, your clients are on social media almost 80% of the day. Brands cannot afford to be absent from the social media platform. Social media sites have become almost as effective as Google, in that they present a variety of options to users when searching for certain categories.

Effortlessly Rise Above Your Competitors in 2017

Supercharge Your Digital Marketing Campaign!

i-helpThe end of the year is upon us and your customers are preparing for the holidays. Time off work, family gatherings, travel and holiday shopping will monopolize most of that time. What else do people do most during this time of the year? They surf the net, research online products, make online purchases and most of all, plan for future purposes. If you want your business to be productive, don’t end the year with the same old routine, launch your 2017 marketing campaign NOW!

The year is nearly over and businesses around the globe are wondering where the time has gone. The numbers are coming in and though some are as projected, there is always room for improvement in profits.  As a business, small or large, you are likely doing everything possible to keep up with or outperform the competition. Constant changes in technology are also changing the way people do business. Everyone is taking the digital approach these days before making any type of purchase. Research, shopping and often, the purchase are all conducted online. People rely on digital technology to help them make some of the most important purchases in life. When clients and customers launch their digital apps, surf online or utilize their social networks to ring in the new year, will your company be visible?

No business can afford to lose its footprint on the digital spectrum.  That leads to the big question. Now that 2016 is ending, what’s your marketing plan for 2017? Perhaps you are still putting together a marketing team that you trust to develop the best and most creative ideas. Maybe you have plans to devise the plan after the New Year. While these plans may be somewhat effective, they are not contemporary marketing strategies utilized by the competition or other successful businesses. The most beneficial and successful marketing campaigns are developed and launched prior to the end of the year, like RIGHT NOW. This has proven to be the approach that delivers the most profitable results for businesses and will likely do the same for your business. It does not matter if you had a stellar year in 2016. You should not enter into the upcoming year relying on ‘ole faithful. Your primary goal must be to attract your target audience, which will present a significant improvement in your business progressing from good to great. A well-paved highway is no benefit if it is always closed for construction. In other words, your website may get a lot of traffic but if it doesn’t generate sales, it’s not profitable. Digital marketing concepts offer business owners the tools they need to survive and remain ahead of the competition.

Digital marketing is a wise investment for any company but especially when introduced to the business during the end of the year. It sets the standard for what current and potential customers will experience once the new year arrives. If you have not yet launched your digital marketing campaign, here are a few factors you should consider.

1. Digital Marketing Creates Higher Revenue

Quality digital marketing approach will result in substantial profitable advantages for the business in terms of increased revenue. Companies that incorporate digital marketing campaigns into the business before the new year arrives typically experience about 3 times the revenue than projected.

2. Digital Marketing Outperforms Traditional Marketing

The traditional marketing approach is not as effective as the digital concept. Customers and clients have limited time and availability. Therefore, they reach for their mobile devices and log into the internet to help them locate and purchase those items they need. Digital marketing allows businesses of all sizes to have a significant online presence that can be immediately observed by the target audience. An extremely high percentage of the most successful businesses have shifted completely from traditional to digital marketing and experienced positive results by doing so.

3. Digital Marketing Prepares Your Business for What Customers Expect

For your business to not only strive but survive in the world, timely preparation is a must. The blueprint of business is a global platform of intertwined gadgets, appliances, smart devices and more that have been designed to effectively coexist with the internet. Digital marketing links you to this platform and permits you to act as a magnet to your target audience.

Shoppers like to be informed and prepared before making a purchase of any size and the internet is their tool of choice for proper preparation. Almost 75% of your potential customers already have plans to make purchases in the new year. Launching a quality marketing campaign now, will ensure that you are visible as they research, as well as when they buy. A successful business plans to succeed by executing effective marketing campaigns.

Are you prepared to succeed in 2017 or will you be busy planning a campaign, while your target audience is shopping with the competition? We specialize in driving traffic to your website to get more business and to rise above your competitors in the search engines.  We use the most up-to-date tactics to help our clients surge up in search engine rankings.  If you are ready to effortlessly rise above your competition, contact Virtual Surge to get your FREE SEO video analysis.  We do all of the work and are offering extreme discounts for those who are ready to begin taking their business to a new level with SEO services by January 1, 2017!

Virtual Surge 443-840-8444

Or go to the Discovery Form to get your FREE, no obligation, video analysis.


Free Wi-Fi Makes Your Business the Social Hotspot of the Industry

Social Wi-Fi Services in Baltimore – What You Need to Know

wifi marketing in baltimoreCustomers have always been relatively clear about what they look for in a business. Many consumers share common desires when shopping such as, great customer service, quality products or services and let’s not forget the most important of them all…free Wi-Fi

As a business owner, numbers are clearly a large part of your business plan. Let’s visit a few extremely important numbers to make certain you are exactly where you need to be in the expanding social circle of consumers.

  • 79% of consumers say that complimentary Wi-Fi makes a huge difference in their choices surrounding restaurants, shopping establishments and other retail decisions.
  • Almost 75% of shoppers utilizing their smartphones to assist with shopping and almost 90% of those who use their smartphone to research local information make purchases within a day.
  • Almost 80% of customers remain loyal and frequently return to businesses that offer free Wi-Fi
  • 82% of adults in America access the internet wirelessly from their laptop, tablet, smartphone or other mobile device

The above numbers provide an inside look at what businesses gain by offering free Wi-Fi for their customers. One of the easiest and most beneficial ways to provide this service is via social hotspots. Social media is always trending and once your customers accesses your free Wi-Fi via their social media page, your business is trending all over the world.

Benefits of Social Hotspots

There are multiple benefits provided by linking up with mobile hotspot services and launching free Wi-Fi from your business. Businesses experience phenomenal growth of their customer database and are also able to engage with customers on an entirely different level. Strategic connections that are established through retarget advertising campaigns all while giving customers access to a secure and private internet connection are the foundation of these benefits.

Increased Interaction with Your Customers

  • Promote offers, events and publish advertising banners for the business to be streamed during customer log-in.
  • Make offers to customers involving vouchers, promotions, videos and coupons.
  • Consider cross-promoting to other advertisers as an extra stream of revenue for the business. Allow their ads to stream across your landing page for customers to see.

Increase Customer Database

  • First-time and returning visitors will instantly be included on the email marketing database from Facebook.
  • Communicate via email to visitors and capitalize your email marketing and advertising campaigns.
  • Social hotspots allow businesses to obtain valid email addresses of the customers, as well as gain an inside look at the Facebook Social Graph, which provides age, gender and hometown. It is beneficial in that businesses can capture quality valuable demographic data while observing engagement as it occurs.

The Social Connect

It’s really simple to get started and have your customers connected to your social hotspot via their social media pages. In very little time business owners will experience an increased number of leads that assist in business growth and sales increase.

  1. Log-In: Customer connects to Free Wi-Fi connection via their laptop, smartphone or tablet.
  2. Social Activity: Customer is immediately routed to a landing page that requests that they log-in via Twitter, Google, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn or Email to be connected to the free Wi-Fi of the business.
  3. Interact: Customer is invited to ‘Share’ and ‘Like’ the Facebook business page prior to being directed to in store deals and promotions.
  4. Get Connected: Customers are free to enjoy the Free-Wi-Fi made possible by logging in to the business hotspot and the business enjoys the benefits gained by acquiring quality data that can be utilized to engage customers and develop marketing campaigns for future use.

The Sensible Business Solution

Social Wi-Fi hotspots are a dynamic way to cater to the demands of most consumers in the world today. Consumers want free access to Wi-Fi and with this method, businesses can provide them with secure access, while actually gaining great benefits for their business in return.

Be the connection your customers need and they’ll keep coming back!